[Scripts] tìm và khoá user không hoạt động trong vòng 90 ngày trên active directiory

Script tìm và disable các account không đăng nhập trong vòng 90 ngày trên AD

# disableUsers.ps1  
# Set msDS-LogonTimeSyncInterval (days) to a sane number.  By
# default lastLogonDate only replicates between DCs every 9-14 
# days unless this attribute is set to a shorter interval.
# Also, make sure to create the EventLog source before running, or
# comment out the Write-EventLog lines if no event logging is
# needed.  Only needed once on each machine running this script.
# New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "DisableUsers.ps1"
# Remove "-WhatIf"s before putting into production.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$inactiveDays = 90
$neverLoggedInDays = 90
# Identify and disable users who have not logged in in x days
$disableUsers1 = Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $TRUE} -Properties lastLogonDate, whenCreated, distinguishedName | Where-Object {($_.lastLogonDate -lt $disableDaysInactive) -and ($_.lastLogonDate -ne $NULL)}
 $disableUsers1 | ForEach-Object {
   Disable-ADAccount $_
   #Write-EventLog -Source "DisableUsers.ps1" -EventId 9090 -LogName Application -Message "Attempted to disable user $_ because the last login was more than $inactiveDays ago."
# Identify and disable users who were created x days ago and never logged in.
$disableUsers2 = Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $TRUE} -Properties lastLogonDate, whenCreated, distinguishedName | Where-Object {($_.whenCreated -lt $disableDaysNeverLoggedIn) -and (-not ($_.lastLogonDate -ne $NULL))}
$disableUsers2 | ForEach-Object {
   Disable-ADAccount $_
   #Write-EventLog -Source "DisableUsers.ps1" -EventId 9091 -LogName Application -Message "Attempted to disable user $_ because user has never logged in and $neverLoggedInDays days have passed."


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Chạy Script bằng powershell lỗi cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system.

Nguyên nhân do mặc định windows chặn powershell thực thi các scripts này vì lý do an ninh, để mở thả cửa cho chức năng này, chạy câu sau, hỏi gì cứ Yes to All

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Notice: ob_end_flush(): failed to send buffer of zlib output compression (0) in /home/devopsvn/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5427