Xử lý lỗi Memory limit doesn’t accept the negative value trên giao diện web vmware vsphere

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Khi sử dụng vmware vsphere trên firefox thường có những lỗi vặt  như thế này rất khó chịu. Nguyên  nhân do bug của bản ESXi Embedded Host Client 1.8.0
Để khắc phục cần update patch cho thằng này.
Cách làm như sau:
– Download vib patch về.
– Sử dụng winscp, copy file vừa down lên host ESXi (ESXi sẽ cần enable SSH để làm được việc này)
– Cài đặt:

esxcli software vib install -v esxui-signed-12086396.vib

nếu báo lỗi xung đột với ghettovcb thì remove ghettovcb

[root@nola:/tmp] esxcli software vib install -v esxui-signed-12086396.vib
 VIB virtuallyGhetto_bootbank_ghettoVCB_1.0.0-0.0.0's acceptance level is community, which is not compliant with the ImageProfile acceptance level partner
 VIB virtuallyGhetto_bootbank_ghettoVCB_1.0.0-0.0.0 violates extensibility rule checks: ['(line 24: col 0) Element vib failed to validate content']
 To change the host acceptance level, use the 'esxcli software acceptance set' command.
 Please refer to the log file for more details.
[root@nola:/tmp]  esxcli software vib remove -n ghettoVCB
Removal Result
   Message: Operation finished successfully.
   Reboot Required: false
   VIBs Installed:
   VIBs Removed: virtuallyGhetto_bootbank_ghettoVCB_1.0.0-0.0.0
   VIBs Skipped:
[root@nola:/tmp] esxcli software acceptance set --level=CommunitySupported
Host acceptance level changed to 'CommunitySupported'.
[root@nola:/tmp] esxcli software vib install -v esxui-signed-12086396.vib
Installation Result
   Message: Operation finished successfully.
   Reboot Required: false
   VIBs Installed: VMware_bootbank_esx-ui_1.33.1-12086396
   VIBs Removed: VMware_bootbank_esx-ui_1.8.0-4516221
   VIBs Skipped:


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